Thursday, November 15, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
An update!!
It took 2 rounds of antibotics to finally get Abby's ear infections to some what go away. We see a specialist tomorrow. She still has fluid in her ears and has failed her hearing test. We are not too worried. She has started to talk more, so we know she can hear. I will let you know how that goes.
Sarah is better and talking up a storm. She had ear infections when we got home and then came down with a bad case of pnemonia(sp) and we almost had to put her in the hospital. She is a trooper and we used the time for lots of bonding and snuggling.
They are finally sleeping through the night, 10-12 hours, yes!! Both mom and dad, oh and the boys are thrilled by this new step.
I had forgotten how busy toddlers can be and how quickly they can make a mess. But they are so worth it.
My boys have been amazing with the girls. They are so helpful and play so well with them.
My dial up connection is sooo slow lately that I am unable to load up pictures. I will try again tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
sick girls
We did have a little better of a night, Sarah only woke once and abby was coughing so bad that she kept throwing up, so she was up most of the night.
We did use music playing all night and I think that helped, plus we rearanged our room so that the girls could see us if they woke up and knew we would be there. Plus the sedative helped that the dr gave us.
we are hoping for a better night tonight, nap time went better. I stayed in the room the entire time, and slept too, so that when they woke they knew I would still be there for them. No startaling crys.
thank you all for your calls of support and words of advice. It was much appreciated.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
sleeping issues, advice needed
The girls go to sleep fine but wake up 1-2 hours later and scream until about 4 am then will go to sleep for a couple of hours.
We have tried calming tablets, co sleeping, rocking, singing you name it and nothing is working. They were not having these issues in vietnam, any suggestions? Please leave a comment if you have been through this and could offer any help.
Matt and I are exhausted and are desperate.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
We are Home!!
Sarah has adjusted to the time change but Abby is struggling and is so tired she will not sleep for more then 1/2 hour at a time with hours inbetween.
They are having a ball with the boys. In two weeks when they go back to school life will be different around our house.
Matt and I are struggling with jet lag. But once abby starts adjusting a sleeping better it will help us so we can sleep too.
We are so grateful to be home.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
thursday August 2nd!
It rained off and on most of the day today, so I stayed in with the girls and we played and had fun while matt went for a ride on a motor bike to go shopping.
We are having computer issues, so I will not be writing again until we get to the states. Thus no pictures today. I have to wait forever to use the lobby internet, and weekends are impossible plus with internet issues during the weekend.
We are leaving on a Jet plane and don't know when we will be back again. Keep us in your prayers that the girls will travel well and that we will be safe. I can't wait to see my boys again.
The count down to coming home is on. We have a few things left to do and then to finish packing.
See you all when we get home!!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Wednesday August 1st
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday July 31st
What a relief it is to know that everything is finalized and we can leave and bring the girls home with us.
We had another lazy day. Sarah had a rough night, she was not feeling well. By lunch time she was doing better.
So we worked on packing all day. I am not sure how we are going to get it all home. We have bought too many things, so many great buys.
We have more great news, the last family in our group got there approval today and had there 2nd interview. They get there visa for grace tomorrow, they leave on the same flight as us on friday. We are all ready to go home and bring our new children with us.
What an amazing journey it has been. One full of struggles, joy, hearache, miracles and one that has taught us faith and that we are not alone. We have been blessed with supportive family and friends. We have learned the power of prayer, how to exercise and rely on our faith, that our testimony's are priceless and that Heavenly Father has a plan for us all, one that we may not understand but is perfect in the end.
We will miss Viet Nam when we leave, it has given us two amazing little girls, but we are grateful to live in America. What an amazing world has been creative. People are the same everywhere, just because we are americans does not make us better or the color of our skin. We are all the same. Viet Nam is beautiful, the people love the children and work so hard for so little. They are in survival mode. If only all the people in the world worked so hard, or would share with those that are not so well off. I hope someday to bring the girls back here to see this country for what is really is, where they came from and who they are.
We will spend the next two days learning all that we can about Viet Nam so that we can share with the girls what a wonderful time we had, and how much we have enjoyed it here. Plus we want to share with everyone at home a little peace of heaven we have found.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Monday July 30th
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Sunday July 29th
I forgot to mention how big the girls are. During there medical exams, they were very healthy. Sarah is a little small, but healthy, she weights 24.2 pounds. She wears 2t tops and 18 months pants are still a little big. Abby is very heathy and is big for a 17 month old as of asian standards, she weights 22.6 pounds. She wears 18 month tops and 12 month pants but these will not fit her for long.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Saturday July 28th
We heard about a great restaurant close to our hotel that we ventured out to for lunch called "La". It was really nice, and for about 8 dollars we all had lunch. I only noticed Vietnamese food on the menu but so good.
We ran into a new family from your agency that just arrived in Vietnam today. They will pick up there daughter on Monday. They are from Oregon.
We met Trish , Ted and their two girls at KFC for a farewell dinner. They leave tomorrow for home, which is florida. We will really miss them, it has been a lot of fun to do things together, plus our girls play so well together.
no pictures today, hopefully the girls are feeling better tomorrow.
boys: we miss you and love you!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Friday July 27th
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday, July 26th
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Wednesday July 25th
Wednesday July 25th
it has been a few days since i have written. I have been sick. I am feeling a little better today.
Monday we went to Ha long Bay. It was beautiful and breath taking. I just wish I felt better. Abby got car sick on the way back but other then that they were so good. We might make it after all on the flight home.
I think the best part of the trip was as we were hiking up the hill to the caves and the tour guide was carrying Sarah, I was too weak to carry anything. Matt was at the back with Abby and helping me. When we reached the top Sarah pointed to us and started talking in Vietnamese. The tour guide translated, she said,"That is my dad". It was priceless. She knows who we are. both girls have attached really well, it is amazing.
then on the way home in the van she looked at matt and said "Hi, Dad!" Oh how I wish I had the video camera going.
Those that are coming, I know it is hot here but take the trip to Ha Long bay. You will not regret it, I am so glad we went even though I was not feeling well.
On tuesday, matt picked up the girl's passports. Then later that afternoon we went to the SOS, international clinic, and had the girl's medical evaluation done for there visas. This is reguired. The next step is to have our 2nd US Embassy appointment. that could happen anyday, I am hoping by the 1st of August by the latest, or we will not make our flight home by the 3rd, because it is a morning flight and visas are usually not ready until one full business day later at 4 pm.
I will post more pictures when I feel better.
I miss you boys!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sunday July 22nd
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Saturday July 21st
We spent the rest of the day sitting at the hotel, cooling off and having down time. I think we will do the same tomorrow.
Matt is sick, I am waiting for morning to see if he is any better. If not then we will take him to the SOS, International clinic. He has a cough that has settled in his chest and has become very painful.
The girls are doing great, they play so well together. If one wakes up first the other sits by their bed and waits for them to wake up and when they even see an eye start to move they scream and make sure they are all the way up.
On Saturday's and Sundays the internet connections are not the greatest. I will post more pictures when it is better.
We are headed to the Ha Long Bay on Monday for a day trip. This is the last time would have the chance until next weekend to go. We need to be in Hanoi starting tuesday.
We have been told that we have a busy day on Tuesday. We have to pick up passports in the morning, then have the girls medicals and anytime after that we are ready for the embassy to call for our 2nd interview. This is when it is the hardest to be patients, waiting for the embassy to call for the 2nd interview.
We have found it really helps to go out for the morning, shop and sightsee and then crash at the hotel for the afternoon to cool off and to have play time for the girls. Then we venture out for dinner and then call it a day. This has really helped time go by and to not be so homesick. Forcing ourselves to get out of the hotel has been the best.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Friday July 20th, the rest of the story
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Friday July 20th
See what a little shopping and sightseeing will do for ones out look. We found some great buys on tie's, bags, and fans.
We will update later and let you know how the first appointment went.
thursday, July 19th
We have had a great day. We met up with Trish and went to Hoa Lo Prison Museum. it is amazing to learn about history and how people have been treated in prison, it is heart wrenching. i walked away feeling that the women prisoners were treated worse then the men.
We then went to visit Trish's hotel room. I walked away wishing I could affort the extra and then I would have moved in a heart beat. How nice it would be to have a kitchen, washer and dryer, couch, soft bed, swimming pool and so on. I am not complaining, it is just hard to live out of a hotel for a long period of time with little children. So those families that are about to travel, if I had the extra I would go to the Sommerset. Yes it is nice to be around the other families but it is also only a less then 10 min cab ride away let alone phone call. Just my 2 cents worth.
We did receive sad news today. The other two families in our group got there first appointments with the embassy tomorrow. By hear say, they were under the impression that our paper work was not in order yet. I am not sure if this is true or not, but it was hard to hear that we were not going to be having our first interview this week. I know what is the difference in one business day or two. I am trying to let it run off my back and go with the flow. so what are we going to do instead, shopping and sight seeing.
the girls did great today. We had a lot of fun and just enjoyed eachother, getting to know each other.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Wednesday July 18th
Matt and I are very tired today. Abby is teething and not a happy camper. She doesn't want to be held or put down or eat. We are not sure what to do. I am sure that the other hotel guests are not too happy with her, as she just screams. all I can say is that we are not looking forward to the 30 hour trip home.
They are sleeping peacefully now so Matt and I need to also. We are worn out and exhausted. I will post more pictures tomorrow.
We have plans to meet up with trish tomorrow and go to the water puppet theater. We are also going to try and find KFC. we are getting homesick and think that a little American food might help.
Boys: It was great talking to you yesterday. I have a great trip to Washington to see Grandma. We will call soon. we love and miss you.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tuesday July 17th
Monday, July 16, 2007
Monday July 16th
We have the girls! It was very different then we had ever imagined. We came around the corner at the orphanage and saw Sarah first, she is so tiny and she immediately turned away from us. Then we noticed Abigail in the crib close by, she is bigger then we thought, they look almost the same size. I picked up Abigail and she started to scream and wanted nothing to do with us. Matt put his hands out for Sarah and she went immediately to him and clung to him and would not let go. Abby would not come back to me after they changed her clothes.
They asked for clothes for the girls and laughed at us. Abby's bearly fits and sarah swims in hers. Then they asked for shoe, which i did not have. Socks were not good enough. We were planning on buying them after we got them so they would fit. This did not go over well. The director of the orphanage was a little upset over it and told us we needed to go. I felt horrible but I wasn't sure what they expected from us. How was I suppose to know what size shoe they were wearing? So we started things off to a bad start with them and had to promise that when we went to the giving and recieving ceremony tomorrow that we would have shoes for them.
We left immediately, we were maybe there for 30 but I doubt it. I am truely sorry to all the waiting families. do to everything going on I was not able to get pictures of you children. We were told be would be there for 1 1/2 hours but we offended I think and were asked to leave. Cherrie did get pictures of lost of babies thought. Again I know you were all looking forward to them and i am sorry.
As we entered the van to leave Sarah was holding onto Matt so tightly and abby was screaming in my arms. loan, Dr. Hongs neice took abby who immediately stopped crying and feel a sleep in her arms. She held her the 1 1/2 hour drive home. Sarah feel asleep in Matt's arms with her hand grasping his shirt. Everytime we would go over a bump she would grab tighter.
I cried the entire way home, it was hard knowing they did not want me. I was prepared for it before we went but it did not make it easier.
We got back to Hanoi and got there passport photo's taken. We decided that I would take sarah and matt would take abby. Sarah reluctantly went with me, as long as Matt was with in sight and Abby went right to Matt.
Back at the hotel we had them first looked at by cherrie who is an RN and she said not scabbies or lice. We were thrilled. We went up to our room and gave them bathes and played with toys. They love there toys and play pretty good together. We were shocked when Sarah started to talk and talk and talk. We have another talker on our hands. Then she started to smile and laugh.
Things we have found out about Abby:
she is big for her age
she is a mover, walking really well and climbing
she does not like to be held when having a bottle
loves her stacking toys
has taken to a sippy cup really good
she loves to share
we are concerned about her teeth, she has bottle rot on three that I can see
she has an eye infection
Things we have found out about Sarah:
she is not shy or quiet
she hates the sippy cup
she very picky about food and drink
she does not like mom only dad
she is potty trained, only if matt takes her, bonus for mom
she sucks her middle and ring finger
she is very posesive about her things
she is very ticklish
Matt is going in the morning to apply for there passports and then tomorrow after noon we are having our giving and recieving ceremony, which everything will be finalized on the Vietnamese side of thing, they will be offically ours tomorrow.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday July 15th
Our flight from Salt Lake City to San Francisco was the worst. We were in the very last row next to the bathrooms. Thank goodness I hadn't eatten for a few hours or I would have lost it. I swear every person on the plain had to use the bathroom, one guy was a little out of it and actually fell on me. Needless to say I was thrilled that it was our shortest flight.
We got to San Francisco and had to leave securtiy and go to the China Airline desk and get tickets issued, I guess this is standard. Then go back through security again. I really like China Airline. The seats were roomy, (this is even coming from a plus sized girl) and the service was excellent and great food. The 13 hours definately went by fast and we even got some sleep in, about 8 hours, in shifts.
In Taipei, Tiawain we again had to leave and go back through security, something I am not understanding. The flight from tiawan to Hanoi seemed the longest, not that it was bad we were just anxious to get there. The food again was great. I had to laugh though, a lady sitting next to me was very impatient with me. When deboarding she thought I wasn't going fast enough and climbed over the seat to get out and then proceeded to push me all the way up the walk way and into the terminal, I just laughed, we didn't gain any time at all.
The heat hits you like a brick wall, especially the humidity. But when you live in Utah and have the dry heat you would expect it.
We are traveling with two others who are with our agency. Tammy and Issac are from Oregon and getting an 11 month old girl. Heather is from Oregon also and is getting a 6 month old. We have had a lot of fun shopping and eatting together. Heather lost one of her suitcases and we are hoping it comes today.
The hotel is great but small. We are staying at the Lucky Star. The staff is very helpful. We lost power and ac today. They went out and bought us a fan to help with the heat. When they came to fix the ac, the guy was wearing dress shoes and took them off the climb on the chair but quickly needed to run and get something so he said something in Vietnamese and grabed my sandles and took off. Obviously we are very friendly and comfortable with each other to the point we are sharing shoes. We had a good laugh over that.
We went to the Kiki that is a few doors down for dinner last night and loved it. The food was great and a huge menu, we could have lunch and dinner there for the 3 weeks and not try everything. Matt says way not eat there every time, it is close, service is great and he likes it. I just think he is afraid to go somewhere else. But they did tell me they would even bring us take out to our room for no extra charge once we get the girls.
They did ask me what the girls names were and told them. They looked at me really funny and asked me to spell it. Then corrected me on the pronunciation. They all laughed and thought it was so funny that I did not know how to say my own childs name. I am not feeling like a good mom right now.
We have a meeting in a few minutes to discuss the process and schedules. Hopefully tomorrow we will get the girls.
i will post pictures as soon as the internet is working in our room.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
After 40 hours we have made it!
we are exhausted and need food and sleep. I will post pictures and all about our travels tomorrow.
I am some what speachless, cultraul shock has set in adn I have realized that we are so blessed to have been born in the United States but that we have taken so much for granted and are ungrateful for all that Heavenly Father has given us and blessed us with.
We have a meeting tomorrow to find out more information but we were told that we should get the girls on Monday morning.
Matt did great on the flight, no back pain. What a blessing that was.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
our bags are packed, we're ready to go!!
I hope I have not forgotten anything, if so hopefully we will not need it.
We should get the girls on Monday or Tuesday. I will update the blog often, or as often as I am able while in Vietnam.
Please keep us in your prayers, for save travels, that we will remain healthy and that the girls will know that we love them and want the best for them, that Matt's back does well on the flights and while in Vietnam. Especially that the boys will have the time of their lives while at both Grandma's and will miss me a little but not too much!
We will be home on the 3rd of August if all goes well. It takes 3 weeks to process everything. We need to get passports for the girls, medical exams and two interviews with the USA embassy and then have there visa's issued.
Wish us luck!!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
2 days!
Matt is off for a month after today. We are grateful to his employer for allowing us this time.
It is really getting hard to think of leaving the boys for just over 3 weeks. They have been sick this weekend and that makes it so much harder to leave them when they are sick. Thank you to both of our parents for being so willing and excited to watch the boys for us. It helps knowing they will be having so much fun and are loved.
I am procrastinating like usual and am not ready, close but not quite there!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
The final stretch
I have the donations for the orphanage, the girls, the boys and all medications packed. I have a few misc. items that I still need and then to pack Matt and I and we are ready to go. My house is almost finished being deep cleaned too.
I got all the quilts tied I just need to bind them and we are done with that. Nothing like procrastinating until the last few days and hours. I do work better under pressure.
Matt is off this weekend and it has been nice to spend time together as a family. The boys have done lots of fishing and they all learned how to cast. They practices all night yesterday and have gotten pretty good. The entire neighborhood was there audience and the boys loved to show off. It really was a lot of fun.
We were also able to attend the temple together one last time before we leave. We are so blessed to have one in our city, it is like having a little piece of heaven on earth. I also had the opportunity to go back to the temple Saturday morning while the boys went fishing. A friend of mine and her family were sealed together forever. It was beautiful. I can not wait to have the girls here and for us to have the opportunity to have the girls sealed to us for time and all eternity.
Have a
Monday, July 2, 2007
TEN - what a wonderful number!!
Plus our agency got 10 new referral today!! WOW, I was shocked by that number, last time there were only 3. Congradulations new mom's and dad's.
I got 1 1/2 quilts tied today. I still have 2 1/2 to go. I should be done tomorrow.
I have made my list and am checking it and packing twice (ok it seems that way). I am not a light packer. I have no doubt that I have way too much packed and that I will not even need a 1/4 of it. But I guess it is better to be safe then sorry. It is not like I can jump in the car and drive to Wally World and pick something up. That would be an expensive Wally World trip.
10 more busy fun filled days with my boys.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sweet 16!!!
I am finding myself so full of emotions lately, especially nervous. I just can't believe we have been so blessed. I so grateful to our Heavenly Father and his undeniable hand in all of this.
I had better get busy and finish deep cleaning my house and finishing the girls room.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
We have tickets!!!
We will leave on the 12th of July at 9Pm and get home roughly 3 weeks later, hopefully sooner if we are able to get their passports and visas processed early. But we are planning on not being home until the first week of August.
I realized yesterday that I will celebrate my 32nd birthday in Vietnam. How cool is that? The best part is that I am getting two daughters for my birthday, one couldn't ask for more.
We are planning on keeping everyone informed of our journey and travels on here while we are gone. But being a different country who know how everything will work and how life will be with two toddlers. Thank you to Megan and Rich who will be our backup posters for us if we are unable to log on and post updates, we appreciate it.
19 days and lots to do, got to go.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I love Wednesday's!!!!
We have to be in Hanoi on the 14th of July.
Here we come girls!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Difficult news to swallow:(
this too shall pass
Monday, June 11, 2007
new pictures!!!


Friday, June 1, 2007
Today is a hard day
Why June 1st? As of today my girls have been in the orphanage for one year. I know it isn't the end of the world but for some reason I wanted to get them home before today. I have heard wonderful things about the orphanage that the girls are in. Everyone that I have talked with has said that their babies that have come from that orphanage have been on target for weight and skills. Plus that their attachments have gone smoothly.
I think what makes it even harder is that I don't know when I am going. If I had a date I think it would have made it a little easier. I am thinking we won't travel until July now. Just a few set backs, more paperwork was required last week. I am not sure if that means they have to be sent to Vietnam and translated then logged in. I hope that doesn't mean the travel time wait has to start all over. It has been 9 weeks. But with the new system in Vietnam, no one is sure on the time frame for travel anymore.
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Guessing Contest!!!
click on comments below to leave us your guess or email us.
Happy guessing!!
A few more weeks:(
We are sad but at least it will happen.
One family that we thought would travel with us, found out this week that there daughters paperwork has cleared and will be traveling on June 7Th. I was really hoping to travel with them. They were also getting a toddler and they were from the same orphanage. We could have had play dates.
We know the earliest that we would travel would be father's day weekend. We will post when we find out.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
I first would like to tell my own mother how much I appreciate her. She is someone I hope to become some day. I wish I would have taken more time while growing up to listen and learn from her. I hate being 14 hours away from her. She has always been supportive of me and my crazy ideas, never tried to talk me out of them or make the decision for me. She has been through a lot, but was strong and full of faith and determination. Thank you mom, I love you.
I have also been blessed with a wonderful mother in law. I don't show my appreciation enough. She raised a wonderful, loving, caring and thoughtful son, that I love dearly. She is very talented. Thank you for your help and love and for such a wonderful son who is the love of my life and such a wonderful father.
I know that Mother's day is more of an Westernized Holiday. But I think often of my girls birth mother. I wonder how she is and if she thinks of them and aches for them. The details of how they ended up in the orphanage are not important. What a sacrifice she has made. I pray that she will be given peace in her heart knowing that they will be loved and cared for. I wish for someday, that the girls may meet her and feel of her love for them. I know these girls are meant to come into our home, I just wish that it was not tinted with sadness. The sadness of someone else's lost. I will always hold a special place in my heart for her.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
waiting, waiting and more waiting
Waiting is definitely the hardest part. I thought waiting for the background check was hard, then I thought waiting for the I171-H was tough but seriously waiting for travel dates is going to do me in.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Video of the girls
Video of the girls
I hope you enjoy!!
Christie and family
I am in love!!
We received new pictures of the girls yesterday. Sarah (the older one) was looking at the photo album that we had sent over. It made it so real. They really are ours. I can't wait to hold them and let them know they are loved.
Thank you to Tammy, who took the album to them, spent time with them, took pictures and emailed them to us, all during the time she received her own daughter. Thank you.
I am so in love with them and I have only seen pictures. It seems different to me. When I was pregnant with the boys yes you get to see ultrasound but you feel them move. I was so afraid that it would be a hard transition and wondered about instant love, but it has already happened.
I know these girls are meant to be with our family. Heavenly Father's plan is amazing. I think in the near future I need to share our adoption process with everyone. It would not have worked how it has without our Heavenly Father's hand in it.
We still have not heard of travel news. I am thinking at the earliest would be memorial weekend or beginning of June.
We will let everyone know as soon as we get the call.
Have a great day!!