We just got back from my birthday dinner. We went to KFC. It was really good. It tasted the same. The coleslaw looked a little questionable, so we passed on that. The girls like chicken and potatoes. Thank goodness, those are staples in our house.
They had a play land and the girls had there first try on a slide. Abby is a daredevil and has no fear. Sarah was not so sure about the entire thing. The funniest part about the whole trip so far, happened at KFC tonight. During dinner a lady sat there and stared at us the entire time, when we got up to leave she came up and had someone translate for her. She wanted her daughter to touch a "white american", i happened to be the chosen one.
Trish and Ted went with us, they even brought me a birthday cake and bought us sundae's. It was a lot of fun. It will be sad to leave and know they live in Florida and we live in Utah. We would have a lot of fun together. The have made the stay here in Hanoi a lot of fun. We have a lot of common interests and there girls and ours play so well together. They leave on Sunday.
Sarah is talking more and more everyday. Today's new words were, Sammy, Jacob, Nathan, mommy and potty(we are so happy about this one). She doesn't use them very frequently but we are making progress.
Abby has learned to blow kisses and it is so cute. She is into everything. I was so embarrassed earlier. The hotel staff came to our room to bring laundry and it was a disaster, she takes everything out of the drawers and off the tables. But she has fun.
I feel like myself again, I think the antibotics are working and I feel so much better.
Good thoughts for tomorrow that we and the rest of our group will get our calls for our 2nd interview and that we will get flights out early.
Have a great day!
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