Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sweet 16!!!

We are leaving in 16 days!! We got our plane tickets in the mail today and it made it all so real. It has seemed like a dream for so long and then to see there names on plane tickets, it melted my heart.

I am finding myself so full of emotions lately, especially nervous. I just can't believe we have been so blessed. I so grateful to our Heavenly Father and his undeniable hand in all of this.

I had better get busy and finish deep cleaning my house and finishing the girls room.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

We have tickets!!!

We found a flight schedule that is perfect and within (under) our budget. It was so exciting and it is feeling so real. I can not believe we are leaving in 19 days.

We will leave on the 12th of July at 9Pm and get home roughly 3 weeks later, hopefully sooner if we are able to get their passports and visas processed early. But we are planning on not being home until the first week of August.

I realized yesterday that I will celebrate my 32nd birthday in Vietnam. How cool is that? The best part is that I am getting two daughters for my birthday, one couldn't ask for more.

We are planning on keeping everyone informed of our journey and travels on here while we are gone. But being a different country who know how everything will work and how life will be with two toddlers. Thank you to Megan and Rich who will be our backup posters for us if we are unable to log on and post updates, we appreciate it.

19 days and lots to do, got to go.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I love Wednesday's!!!!

We received our travel call at 9 pm tonight. The entire conversation was maybe 1 min. I was so shocked that I was speechless, I know a shocker. But now I have lots of questions? Ha Ha

We have to be in Hanoi on the 14th of July.

Here we come girls!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Difficult news to swallow:(

Today we received a call from our agency. I thought we were getting travel dates but unfortunately no. We have been paper ready for 12 weeks and still nothing. The hard part was that two families who only received there referral on the 16th of May got travel dates, 4 weeks. That was really hard to swallow, but I just sobbed instead. I am happy for them but very jealous and ok angry.

this too shall pass

Monday, June 11, 2007

new pictures!!!

We received new pictures of the girls today!! Thank you to Tiffany, who picked up her Lyla, for getting us pictures.

They are getting so big and adorable!!

We found out that the younger one, Abigail is a riot. They say that she walks around like she owns the place. She is going to fit right into our home.

The older one, sarah just woke up from a nap and wasn't too happy.

No news on travel yet, but hopefully soon.


Friday, June 1, 2007

Today is a hard day

Today is one of those hard adoptions days. Today was the day I had my heart set on making sure I had my girls in my arms. I know it is silly and international adoption is unpredictable and we have been advised not to make those mini goals or dates but in reality it does happen.

Why June 1st? As of today my girls have been in the orphanage for one year. I know it isn't the end of the world but for some reason I wanted to get them home before today. I have heard wonderful things about the orphanage that the girls are in. Everyone that I have talked with has said that their babies that have come from that orphanage have been on target for weight and skills. Plus that their attachments have gone smoothly.

I think what makes it even harder is that I don't know when I am going. If I had a date I think it would have made it a little easier. I am thinking we won't travel until July now. Just a few set backs, more paperwork was required last week. I am not sure if that means they have to be sent to Vietnam and translated then logged in. I hope that doesn't mean the travel time wait has to start all over. It has been 9 weeks. But with the new system in Vietnam, no one is sure on the time frame for travel anymore.

Have a great weekend!
