Financing an adoption is not an easy task, especially if you are adopting two. Many have asked how much it costs and for some reason I have been reluctant to say but have told people and the reaction is both positive and negative. Both wow and you are in the baby buying
business. The last one really rubbed me the wrong way for some odd reason.
So you ask how much is it going to be? For us to adopt two, will be roughly $45,000. No we are not rich or even close. Then to answer the next question is no we did not receive a large inheritance for some rich relative that has passed away. So then how are we paying for it you ask? We are trying to scrimp and scrap everything that we can.
We have borrowed a large portion of it. We are using our tax return. Have sold a few things. But still we are short. Many of you know that Matt (my husband) herniated a disc in is back on the 1st of March. We had planned to save his overtime to cover the additional travel expenses that we may run into. Well we did not have over time for over a month and have not been able to save for them. Thank goodness his employer offers 100% short term disability on base pay, or we would be up a creek
I do have options for paying the last travel portion that we would need:
A - max out every credit card we have
B- take a loan out of our 401K
We would rather not do either of these.
We had planned a fund raiser for this weekend to sell strawberry (homemade) Jam but I had a
blonde moment and the strawberry Jam is now strawberry syrup. I am not sure what happened, cause this has never happened to me before.
Today we (
ok my husband) is taking a proposal to his employer asking them to add an adoption benefit to there already good benefits package to help those families like us to help defray the outlandish costs of adoption.
I have also applied for Adoption grant to help with the cost. Keep us in your prayers that one of these will turn up positive and help us in our adventure.