Monday, March 26, 2007

My boys!!

These are my boys. Sammy, Nathan and Jacob. They are 7, 9, and 5.

Nathan loves scouts and reading. I think he got the love for reading from me. He always has his nose in a book. Sometimes not at the right times either. He is so excited for the girls to come home. I think he is more excited to find out what we bring him home from Vietnam.

Sammy is my dimple kid. He can melt your heart with them and he knows how to use them as an advantage to get himself out of trouble. I am afraid for when the girls start to notice him. He loves to build things and any kind of sport or animals. Sam says that he is more excited that we had to get a mini-van then he is about getting sisters. At 7 I don't blame him either.

Jacob I think is the most excited for the girls to come home. He really likes the neighbors little sister. I now think that he never really liked being the youngest. Jacob loves to ride is bike and to play the computer with his dad.


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