Friday, June 1, 2007

Today is a hard day

Today is one of those hard adoptions days. Today was the day I had my heart set on making sure I had my girls in my arms. I know it is silly and international adoption is unpredictable and we have been advised not to make those mini goals or dates but in reality it does happen.

Why June 1st? As of today my girls have been in the orphanage for one year. I know it isn't the end of the world but for some reason I wanted to get them home before today. I have heard wonderful things about the orphanage that the girls are in. Everyone that I have talked with has said that their babies that have come from that orphanage have been on target for weight and skills. Plus that their attachments have gone smoothly.

I think what makes it even harder is that I don't know when I am going. If I had a date I think it would have made it a little easier. I am thinking we won't travel until July now. Just a few set backs, more paperwork was required last week. I am not sure if that means they have to be sent to Vietnam and translated then logged in. I hope that doesn't mean the travel time wait has to start all over. It has been 9 weeks. But with the new system in Vietnam, no one is sure on the time frame for travel anymore.

Have a great weekend!



R&H said...

I'm so sorry! We know the ups and downs of the adoption process well. You just have to keep saying that it WILL happen, and that everything happens for a reason. I know it's not always very comforting though.
I hope you travel very soon!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry this day passed for you. I really am.